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69 results

  • Involving You in Shaping The Future of Our Estate

    Police Scotland’s estate needs to be fit for 21st century policing, putting service enhancement, visibility, and engagement at the heart of the communities we serve. These are core components of the legitimacy and consent on which policing in Scotland relies. We have already introduced technology that enables our officers to remain in local areas, reducing the need for them to return to police stations to deal with paperwork. ... More
  • Police/Staff Assaults

    This form has been created to capture assaults of Police Officers and Staff members within Operational Support Division. More
  • Safer Streets: Reporting Tool

    Does it feel like the situation could get heated or violent very soon? Is someone in immediate danger? Do you need support right away? If so, please call 999 now. This is a service that allows you to report safety concerns in public places without giving us your name (anonymously). This includes issues like poorly lit streets, abandoned buildings, or vandalism, as well as instances where you feel unsafe due to someone following or verbally abusing you. Please note: Safer Streets... More
  • Merkinch & South Kessock (Inverness): Your Place, Your Point

    Highland Community Planning Partnership, Highland Third Sector Interface, Youth Highland, Scottish Community Development Centre and Police Scotland are working together on an approach called ' Participatory Budgeting '. This will involve local people having a say over how we spend £30,000 in the local area. The project, called Your Place, Your Point, has been funded by Highland's share of the Scottish Government's Whole Family Wellbeing Fund. The Scottish Government have also... More
  • Examining the Effectiveness of Social Mixing Activities in Promoting Social Cohesion

    A mixed-method study to examine the effectiveness of social mixing activities in promoting social cohesion between the long-term and new residents in West Lothian, Scotland. The key to creating a cohesive society lies in meaningful engagements. When individuals from different backgrounds engage meaningfully under the right conditions, trust develops, a sense of belonging is formed, and discriminatory attitudes are reduced. "Right conditions" refer to those in which... More
  • Feedback Form: Domestic abuse, rape and sexual crime

    Police Scotland values feedback from people we engage with in Scotland’s diverse communities. Outcome 3 of our Joint Strategy for Policing states that "the public, communities and partners are engaged, involved and have confidence in policing". We are committed to ensuring our services are high quality and meet the public’s expectations. One of the ways we do this is by facilitating opportunities for people to give us feedback about our services. This helps us... More
    Closes 31 March 2026
  • Custody User Experience Survey

    We are committed to ensuring our services are high quality and meet the public’s expectations. One of the ways we do this is by facilitating opportunities for people to give us feedback on our services. This helps us understand what we are getting right, and what we could do better. Police Scotland’s priorities include ensuring you feel safe in custody. We know being in custody could be a difficult experience and we want to ensure that people’s experiences in custody... More
    Closes 31 March 2026
  • Your Police 2024-2025

    Understanding the views and priorities of Scotland's diverse communities is fundamental to how Police Scotland responds to the needs of the public. Our public engagement activities help us improve how we deliver our policing services in local communities, ensuring they are accessible for everyone. It is vital that we listen, understand, and take action using your views and experiences. Our Joint Strategy for Policing (2023) creates the space within policing to inform our services... More
    Closes 31 March 2025
  • BSL Version: Your Police 2024-2025

    Understanding the views and priorities of Scotland's diverse communities is fundamental to how Police Scotland responds to the needs of the public. Our public engagement activities help us improve how we deliver our policing services in local communities, ensuring they are accessible for everyone. It is vital that we listen, understand, and take action using your views and experiences. Our Joint Strategy for Policing (202 3) creates the space within policing to... More
    Closes 31 March 2025
  • Corporate Parenting Plan 2024-27: Stakeholder Engagement Survey

    In April 2014, the Scottish Parliament passed a law called the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014. In this Act, a range of organisations in Scotland became Corporate Parents to looked after children and care leavers. Police Scotland is a Corporate Parent. We will generally refer to our looked after children and care leavers as 'Care Experienced children and young people' as this is the term children and young people have asked us to use. Under the law, Corporate Parents must... More
    Closed 20 October 2024
  • Care Experienced Children and Young People: Making Policing in Your Area Better

    This survey is to gather the opinions of Care Experienced young people aged 12-25 (inclusive) to help produce the next Corporate Parenting Plan 2024-27 for Police Scotland. The Plan will outline how Police Scotland intends to interact with children and young people who have Care Experience, and contribute towards the wider care system in the coming years. You can find out more about Corporate Parenting Plans on the Scottish Government website . Complete the survey to collect... More
    Closed 9 September 2024
  • Police Scotland Youth Volunteers (PSYV) go to New Zealand

    PSYV recently took part in a Leadership and Development Course in New Zealand. This case study covers the highlights of their experience. This was a partnership between Police Scotland , New Zealand Police, Blue Light New Zealand, Australia’s Police Citizen Youth Clubs, and USA Police Athletic League. The course created an opportunity where young people could learn new skills such as how to communicate effectively, how to work as a team, and how to motivate others.... More
    Closed 15 July 2024
  • Police Scotland's Use of Enhanced CCTV Technology: Public Consultation

    CCTV object recognition software can be used to search recorded or live CCTV imagery for objects to enhance policing services in an effort to provide an effective and efficient service to the public. We are exploring how Police Scotland can utilise CCTV object recognition to increase safety and support us in responding to threat, risk and harm in our communities. This proposal does not include any facial matching or facial recognition technology, only a capability to... More
    Closed 2 May 2024
  • Highland Children and Young People's Participation Survey

    Calling all young people living in Highland - have your say! Police Scotland is involved in the Steering Group overseeing work in the Highland Council area to develop a Participation Strategy for children and young people. We want you to influence and shape the strategy through understanding what matters to you. There will also be face to face and online engagement sessions, lasting 30-45 minutes, led by young facilitators, between end of Febraury and the beginning of April.... More
    Closed 30 April 2024
  • Elevate: amplifying the voices of refugees and asylum seekers

    The 'Elevate' programme amplifies the voices of refugees and asylum seekers in decision-making processes across Scotland, and works to increase the understanding of their lived experience within key public bodies and third-sector organisations. Funded by the Scottish Government and led by Mental Health Foundation we work closely with transport, health and social care, education and policing organisations to ensure that one of the most marginalised groups in society is encouraged to... More
    Closed 30 April 2024
  • Leadership & challenge accreditation awarded to Police Scotland Youth Volunteers (PSYV) at Loch Eil

    A total of 104 youth volunteers from across Scotland attended an SCQF accredited Adventure and Challenge Award course at the Outward Bound Trust , Loch Eil near Forth William. Their deployment built upon the good practice of previous activities undetaken by national or local PSYV groups; bringing together a group of young people to experience the benefits of working together and having the opportunity to develop new skills, as well as the opportunity to gain accedited... More
    Closed 5 April 2024
  • Police Scotland Youth Volunteers (PSYV) Academic Evaluation

    Police Scotland has commissioned the first ever academic-led evaluation of the Police Scotland Youth Volunteers programme. Running over two and a half years, the evaluation will seek to understand more about the difference the programme makes in the lives of young people in our communities, as well as further benefits experienced by local areas through having youth volunteering embedded. We want to understand what positive outcomes, if any, the programme enables and where there could be... More
    Closed 1 April 2024
  • Our Big Youth Conversation 2023-2024

    The past few years have been unlike any in recent history. Now, more than ever, we need young people to make their voices heard so we know how best to deliver our services. We are launching Our Big Youth Conversation. We want young Scots to tell us what they love and what they think needs to change. Their ideas and opinions will help us to deliver effective policing and services for young people in local areas, helping us create safe and well communities for everyone. ... More
    Closed 31 March 2024
  • Your Police 2023-2024

    Understanding the views and priorities of Scotland's diverse communities is fundamental to how Police Scotland responds to the needs of the public. Our public engagement activities help us improve how we deliver our policing services in local communities, ensuring they are accessible for everyone. It is vital that we listen, understand, and take action using your views and experiences. Our Joint Strategy for Policing (2023) creates the space within policing to inform our services... More
    Closed 31 March 2024
  • BSL Version: Your Police 2023-2024

    Understanding the views and priorities of Scotland's diverse communities is fundamental to how Police Scotland responds to the needs of the public. Our public engagement activities help us improve how we deliver our policing services in local communities, ensuring they are accessible for everyone. It is vital that we listen, understand, and take action using your views and experiences. Our Joint Strategy for Policing (2020) creates the space within policing to... More
    Closed 31 March 2024
  • Democracy Matters

    Somebody, somewhere is making decisions on your behalf. Democracy Matters conversations have already started to explore whether far more of these decisions could be made by communities themselves. This is a key and connected part of the wider Local Governance Review which is looking across all of Scotland’s vital public services to consider how power and resources should be shared between national and local government. The Scottish Government are keen for everyone across... More
    Closed 28 February 2024
  • A Human Rights Bill for Scotland: Consultation

    Scotland is a modern, inclusive nation which respects, protects, and fulfils all internationally recognised human rights. We have made great strides in our collective human rights journey and have committed to go further through a new Human Rights Bill that will incorporate international human rights standards already signed and ratified by the UK into domestic law in Scotland. Embedding international human rights in Scotland will further emphasise the importance of all people being... More
    Closed 5 October 2023
  • British Sign Language National Plan 2023 - 2029 Consultation

    Scottish Government are consulting on the British Sign Langauge National Plan 2023-29. Please visit the link below to review and share your views. More
    Closed 3 September 2023
  • Care Experienced Colleagues Group

    Colleagues with lived experience of care from across Police Scotland have come together to form the Care Experienced Colleagues Group. The group is supported by our Partnerships, Prevention and Community Wellbeing Division Children and Young People team and Who Cares? Scotland , who work with care experienced young people and care leavers across Scotland. Care includes when a child or young person has spent time living in foster care, kinship care, those... More
    Closed 4 July 2023
  • Trans and Non-binary Experiences 2023

    A society where everyone can thrive and flourish flows from Police Scotland’s purpose to improve the lives and wellbeing of our fellow citizens, for the benefit of all. Discrimination should have no place in society and no place in policing. Disadvantage and injustice persist and policing has an important role to play as, collectively, we build a country where everyone knows they are safe and secure. Scottish Trans are conducting this survey. They want to know more about... More
    Closed 20 June 2023
  • Imagine A Man: Building positive masculinity with young people

    The programme has been produced by YouthLink Scotland, the national agency for youth work, and is all about building positive masculinity with young people in the midst of what is being described as Scotland’s ‘crisis of masculinity’. The launch of the programme and its comprehensive education resources follows on from research by No Knives, Better Lives which explored what it was like to be a boy or young man in Scotland today on three key themes: What are... More
    Closed 11 May 2023
  • Joint Strategy for Policing 2023-2026

    In 2020, the Scottish Police Authority and Police Scotland agreed and published our Joint Strategy for Policing (2020), Policing for a Safe Protected and Resilient Scotland . This strategy describes our ambitions for the future of policing in Scotland framed around five strategic outcomes. Good progress has been made in developing our service since that point and the time is right to review our strategy. The Vision for Justice was published in 2022, and Scottish Government has... More
    Closed 23 April 2023
  • Refugee and Asylum Seeker Experiences

    This study builds an understanding of the quantity and quality of refugees’ social networks, and their role in influencing public perceptions and engagement with the police. It applies the Social Connections Mapping Tool (SCMT) methodology, combined with in-depth interviews with refugees, asylum-seekers, police personnel, and associated services to identify refugee and asylum-seeker experiences, trust and confidence with Police Scotland and associated services. Findings •... More
    Closed 12 April 2023
  • Accounting for Complexities: An Intersectional Approach to Enhancing Police Practitioner Accountability, Legitimacy & Sustainable Reform

    The authors undertook a literature review on intersectionality and policing to provide a critical, impact based account of scholarly/academic engagement with policing and intersectionality. This review informs an intersectional good practice toolkit by which police organisations can better engage with the phenomenon of intersectionality and its implications for policing and ‘seldom heard communities’. Additionally, the authors hosted two interactive workshops to share preliminary... More
    Closed 12 April 2023
  • Inquiring Together: Collaborative Research with BAME Communities and Serving Officers

    This project assisted police officers to engage, as co-inquirers, with people who are seldom heard in a research and policy context: BAME communities in the Dundee, Aberdeenshire and Glasgow areas. The project used a qualitative Participatory Action Research approach to build a community engagement model, holding multiple cycles of enquiry where participants and co-inquirers discussed topics including previous experiences of policing, guidelines for good community-police practice and... More
    Closed 12 April 2023
69 results. Page 1 of 3