Police Scotland's Use of Enhanced CCTV Technology: Public Consultation

Closed 2 May 2024

Opened 14 Mar 2024

Feedback updated 25 Feb 2025

We asked

Between March and May 2024, Police Scotland launched a public engagement survey which was available on Citizen Space. It sought to capture the views of the public and Police Scotland officers and staff to assess support for the use and introduction of enhanced CCTV technology.

The aim of this survey was to understand public and colleague opinions, consider their feedback and any concerns on the introduction of a enhanced CCTV object recognition system within Policing in Scotland, including any impact this might have on the public and police officers.

It also aimed to help us understand any reservations the public might have relating to enhanced CCTV and how we might introduce this alongside our broader Contact and Engagement Strategy, ensuring that we build both trust and confidence in Police Scotland.

All of this was done with the aim of enabling an effective approach which puts human rights and the views and needs of individuals and communities at the heart of what we do.

You said

Our survey received 1,369 responses from members of the public and colleagues (141 current or former Police Scotland colleagues and 1,228 members of the public).

Responses highlighted mixed support for enhanced CCTV:

  • The vast majority (95% agree) of policing colleagues agree it will be a helpful addition to our available tools for responding to threat, risk and harm.
  • While there was considerable support and recognition of the benefits and opportunities for operational policing, there were some concerns, with 11% of colleagues disagreeing that the technology would ‘only have positive effects across operational policing in Aberdeen City’.
  • 52% of the entire cohort (both Police Scotland colleagues and members of the public) agree they would feel safer knowing Police Scotland has the capacity to use this technology in their local area. 23% expressed they would “never” feel safer knowing this, indicating a sentiment among a small number that this technology would not enable greater feelings of safety.
  • Nearly half (48% and 44% respectively) of the cohort agreed that enhanced CCTV technology would increase their confidence and trust in Police Scotland, particularly women, people in the LGBT+ community, and (to a lesser extent) those living in areas most affected by poverty. Children and young people were 11% less likely to agree it would increase their confidence, highlighting some concerns among this subgroup.
  • Most (84%) agreed there should be clear guidelines for how CCTV object recognition software is used.
  • Qualitative analysis highlighted mixed support for CCTV object recognition software, with respondents discussing benefits of its use (for example, enhanced crime detection/ prevention). Some members of the public fear that this new software will take police officers away from communities. Analysis also revealed some communities already have lack of trust in police, and some believe that police will misuse the software.

We did

Your views will inform the next steps of the decision-making process, including helping to shape the development of the guidance for the use of the software, if it is approved for use following further scrutiny as part of our process.

We will now move forward to the next steps through our Rights Based Pathway. We are committed to a ‘no surprises’ and transparent approach with the public and our colleagues regarding Police Scotland’s use of enhanced CCTV technology as part of our 2030 Vision of Safer Communities, Less Crime, Supported Victims and a Thriving Workforce.


CCTV object recognition software can be used to search recorded or live CCTV imagery for objects to enhance policing services in an effort to provide an effective and efficient service to the public.

We are exploring how Police Scotland can utilise CCTV object recognition to increase safety and support us in responding to threat, risk and harm in our communities. This proposal does not include any facial matching or facial recognition technology, only a capability to search for objects (including people) by description.

CCTV object recognition can be used on our existing public space CCTV cameras on both live and recorded feeds. This means our colleagues can search CCTV when an incident is still in progress (for example active enquiries to identify a vulnerable missing person or when a vehicle is being driven by a driver suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol). Retrospective searches can be carried out on recorded feeds to search for specific vehicles, objects or people (but only by their description, not searching or using facial imagery).

Searching CCTV to support police investigations is ordinarily carried out manually and can be time consuming and open to human error. Using CCTV object recognition software can reduce the time burden on our people by having the ability to respond to search commands specifying certain search terms, for example 'child with red jacket' or ‘blue van.’

Although we expect CCTV object recognition software to make us more efficient when reviewing CCTV images, any ‘matches’ identified by the software will always be double checked and all decisions about police action will be made by humans, as they are now.

The aim of this survey is to understand public opinions, feedback and any concerns on the introduction of CCTV object recognition within Policing in Scotland.

Your privacy and consent

By completing this survey, you agree to Police Scotland using your anonymous data for analysis and reporting that will improve the service we provide. Anything that identifies individuals will be removed during analysis.

Police Scotland is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We have robust procedures in place to ensure that any data that you provide is processed and stored securely. We will never pass your data on to any third parties without your express consent. We also meet the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation or 'UK GDPR'.

How do I report crime?

Reporting a crime or providing information about an incident

Please note that this platform is not for reporting crime, providing information about an incident, or asking us for help. To find out ways to contact the police, please visit our website. If you or someone else needs police assistance, please dial 101, or in an emergency use 999. 

Accessible formats

If you require this survey in any other format, please contact us

If you have questions

If you have any questions, please contact us.


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