Corporate Parenting Plan 2021-24

Closed 19 Apr 2021

Opened 6 Apr 2021

Results updated 21 Dec 2021

The Children and Young People Team, Partnerships, Prevention and Community Wellbeing division, are delighted to present the new Corporate Parenting Plan 2021-2024.

Consultation and engagement to help shape our themes and priorities has taken place since December 2020.

We would like to thank everyone involved in this process, including those who attended the Corporate Parenting Plan Advisory Group, chaired by Chief Inspector Colin Convery.

In particular, the Children and Young People team would like to thank our own Care Experienced officers and staff group, who have shared with us with their unique position of having lived experience and being colleagues within Police Scotland.

Their views and advice has helped our team understand more about our Care Community and we will continue to engage them on Corporate Parenting matters in future.


In April 2014, the Scottish Parliament passed a law called the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014. In this Act, a range of organisations in Scotland became corporate parents to looked after children and care leavers. Police Scotland is a corporate parent. We will generally refer to our looked after children and care leavers as 'care experienced children and young people' as this is the term children and young people have asked us to use.

Under the law, corporate parents must work together to give you the love, security and chances that any good parent would. This is why we need a 'Corporate Parenting Plan' which helps our teams, our communities and other stakeholders understand how we will do this. 

Our children and young people's team within our Partnerships, Prevention and Community Wellbeing Division are currently working with communities and other stakeholders to refresh our Corporate Parenting Plan for 2021-24. Our current plan was developed in 2018 and it is refreshed every three years. 

We are keen to hear from anyone with care experience and we are working with Who Cares? Scotland to ensure the voices of people with care experience are central to the new plan's development.

Help us by letting us know what's important to you by responding to our survey or joning in the discussion at one of the Who Cares? Scotland engagement sessions (details below).

This survey has been developed on behalf of Police Scotland by Who Cares? Scotland. WC?S will analyse responses and present the story about what the survey is telling us about the things people want us to consider. Police Scotland will not have access to personal data or information gathered via this survey. Your responses are anonymous.

What happens next

Police Scotland's children and young people's team will listen to the views and voices of those who took part. We will use the insights you gave us to help shape our new Corporate Parenting Plan 2021-23. We promise to take what you have told us seriously. We will publish our new plan on our website before the end of August 2021.


  • Engagement Session 1

    From 10 Apr 2021 at 11:00 to 10 Apr 2021 at 12:00

    Join in a friendly discussion about Police Scotland's Corporate Parenting Plan at this engagement session. The session is facilitated by Who Cares? Scotland. It is open to anyone with care experience in Scotland. You can register for the session, which will be held online, by copying and pasting this link into your browser >

  • Engagement Session 2

    From 15 Apr 2021 at 19:00 to 15 Apr 2021 at 20:00

    Join in a friendly discussion about Police Scotland's Corporate Parenting Plan at this engagement session. The session is facilitated by Who Cares? Scotland. It is open to anyone with care experience in Scotland. You can register for the session, which will be held online, by copying and pasting this link into your browser >


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Colleague survey