Corporate Parenting Plan 2024-27: Stakeholder Engagement Survey
Results updated 20 Dec 2024
The Policing Together, Children and Young People Team, are delighted to present our new Corporate Parenting Plan 2024-2027.
We would like to thank everyone involved in this process, which includes our members of the Corporate Parenting Plan Advisory Group and Police Scotland’s Care Experienced Colleagues Group. A special thanks to Zander Newman and Hope Taylor, our two Youth Engagement Officers who were recruited to design, deliver, and evaluate an engagement and participation programme which involved a survey and a series of focus groups.
Many people helped create this plan, but the most important input came from children and adults with experience of care. Their views and advice have helped our team understand more about our Care Experienced Community and we will continue to engage them on Corporate Parenting matters in future.
Through consultation we have made the decision to create two separate Corporate Parenting Plans. We have a Summary Plan which has been written in a clear and concise style that's easier to understand, as well as a Full Plan which goes into more detail, outlining Police Scotland’s goals, and how we will achieve them.
Corporate Parenting Plan 2024-2027 Summary
Corporate Parenting Plan 2024-2027 Summary Accessible Version
Corporate Parenting Plan 2024-2027
Corporate Parenting Plan 2024-2027 Accessible Version
Scottish Youth Parliament Engagement Report
In April 2014, the Scottish Parliament passed a law called the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014. In this Act, a range of organisations in Scotland became Corporate Parents to looked after children and care leavers. Police Scotland is a Corporate Parent. We will generally refer to our looked after children and care leavers as 'Care Experienced children and young people' as this is the term children and young people have asked us to use.
Under the law, Corporate Parents must work together to give children and young people with Care Experience the love, security and chances that any good parent would. This is why we need a 'Corporate Parenting Plan' which helps our teams, our communities and other stakeholders understand how Police Scotland will do this.
Our Children and Young People team within our Policing Together Division are currently working with communities and other stakeholders to refresh our Corporate Parenting Plan for 2024-27. Our current plan was developed in 2021 and it is refreshed every three years.
As part of the engagement process for this we are asking external partners to share with us what is important for Police Scotland to do in relation to Corporate Parenting. We value the opinions of those we work closely with and would appreciate honest constructive feedback to the questions.
How we are involving children and young people
Police Scotland has commissioned Scottish Youth Parliament to lead engagement with young Scots who have Care Experience and their peers. This will happen throughout July and August, so that we know about the things young people want us to focus on in our new plan.
We are working with our Advisory Group to consider and enable approaches to the engagement and involvement of children (under 12s) in this work, too.
If you have questions, please use the contact details on this page.
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